Choosing a Trucking School
To decide which CDL school you want to attend, consider all the factors. It's important to do your research to find a school that will best fit your needs and goals. Here are some things to consider when choosing a truck driver training program:
Skilled Instructors
Our instructors at Phoenix Truck Driving Institute are former drivers who share their real-world experience with their students. This lets you learn from someone who has walked in your shoes.
Flexible Class Schedules
It can be tough to balance your life and your education. Many students in our program have full-time jobs or family obligations and we understand that you can't put these on hold to attend CDL classes. It is our goal to make it as easy as possible for you to earn your CDL, which is why we offer day, evening, and weekend classes.
Financing Your Education
Our advisors can help you determine what funding options you may have. Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.
Avoid Restrictions on Your CDL
We train our students with manual transmissions instead of automatic. As a result, you will not have this restriction on your license. We also cover material from the air brakes portion of the CDL test, so you will also avoid this restriction.
Military Benefits
Phoenix Truck Driving Institute is proud to be recognized as a Military Friendly School. Qualified veterans and those transitioning out of active service can use their GI Bill® benefits to obtain their license and prepare for a new career in the civilian workforce.